By Lance D Johnson
Join the tax revolution that allows you to control WHERE your tax dollars are spent
The U.S. federal tax code, spanning approximately 74,000 pages, is an embarrassment to common sense and a mockery of freedom. When the income tax began in 1913, it was roughly 400 pages long and had a top tax bracket of 7 percent. Today the income tax generates over 13 trillion annually and penalizes earners’ income […]
By JD Heyes
How did the Pentagon lose over $6.5 TRILLION in taxpayer dollars?
The Defense Department is always asking for more money, and given the responsibility the Pentagon has in keeping the world’s premier beacon of freedom and democracy secure, that’s understandable. It’s a big task. But before lawmakers appropriate another dime to the DoD, it must first get some answers about how it is possible for the […]
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