USA Today
By Natural News Editors
Why are media outlets still citing discredited ‘fake news’ blacklist?
The Washington Post (11/24/16) last week published a front-page blockbuster that quickly went viral: Russia-promoted “fake news” had infiltrated the newsfeeds of 213 million Americans during the election, muddying the waters in a disinformation scheme to benefit Donald Trump. Craig Timberg’s story was based on a “report” from an anonymous group (or simply a person, […]
By JD Heyes
Trump beating Clinton even as establishment media manipulates headlines to confuse voters
With the outcome of the election between GOP nominee Donald J. Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton still very much in play earlier today, the mainstream media was hard at work doing what it has been doing for the past 15 months – creating a false narrative to make Clinton look good, even when she is […]
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