By Earl Garcia
American workers beware: Robots are getting cheaper and more capable of replacing human labor
A recent report by the Robotic Industries Association (RIA) revealed that current developments designed to make robots smaller and cheaper has led to a significant increase in their sales over the previous year. According to the report, this is due in part to an increasing number of North American countries, such as U.S., Mexico and Canada, that […]
By Robert Jonathan
38% of U.S. jobs may be quickly taken over by robots… what will the political elite do with all the unemployed humans?
A study by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers claims that robots and artificial intelligence could take over two of every five jobs in America within about the next 15 years. The results also suggest that technology will displace both white-collar and blue-collar workers, which could push wages downward. Employees in the finance, insurance, hospitality, manufacturing, food service, and transportation […]
By Daniel Barker
Google’s “nightmare” robot getting closer to Terminator status: Will the tech giant stage the next war against humanity
Boston Dynamics, a robotics company owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has developed some amazing robots over the past few years, but none quite so “nightmare-inducing” as its latest creation, called “Handle.” Handle hasn’t been officially unveiled to the public, but a group of investors were recently given a glimpse of its capabilities in a […]
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