Meryl Streep
By Mary Wilder
PLEASE, Hollywood, shut down completely while Trump makes America great again
Ever since Donald Trump first announced his intention to run for president in 2016, the Hollywood elite have been doing everything in their power to prevent him from being successful. What first began with mocking eventually turned into mild concern, which led to full-blown freakouts when Trump actually managed to be elected as the next […]
By Mike Adams
Note to Meryl Streep and all the left-wing Hollywood fantasy land inhabitants: Being famous, ignorant and loudmouthed is not an award-worthy achievement
The greatest mistake people like Meryl Streep keep making is thinking that they are experts in geopolitics and the structure of free societies. In truth, all the left-wing Hollywood fantasy land inhabitants are pathetically uninformed, unintelligent and largely unimportant to the real world. They are actors, not analysts. They are experts in make believe, not […]
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