News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 groups making life difficult for the Biden regime by exposing his lies and contradictions
It is a difficult task to turn the Republic of North America into a Communist country in just a few years, but the Biden Regime is making every conscious effort to do so anyway. If it were up to the crooks and traitors in Washington DC, there would be no Americans who owned guns or […]
By S.D. Wells
Famous rapper and actor ICE CUBE says HELL NO to the deadly Covid jab and forgoes $9 million payday for upcoming role offer by Sony Film
Coincidentally, a new movie called “Oh Hell No,” featuring Jack Black, will not be featuring rapper Ice Cube because Hollywood was trying to blackmail him into getting a deadly Covid clot shot in order to get the nine-million-dollar role. Cube basically said Oh Hell No on the “Million Dollaz Worth of Game” podcast afterwards when […]
By S.D. Wells
Nuremberg II: Mass-murder trials could commence after midterms for the vaccine-pushing genocidal maniacs Fauci, Walenski and more
The Covid crimes are years in the making and more than a handful of vaccine manufacturers and promoters could be on trial soon for mass-murder and conspiracy to commit genocide. Senator Rand Paul puts Dr. Anthony Fauci at the forefront of the whole plandemic brigade, since Fauci lied and DID help fund gain-of-function research that […]
By S.D. Wells
Fight for Medical Freedom: Senator Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania is fighting the CDC’s latest draconian mandate for Covid jabs placed on the childhood vaccine schedule
By far, the CDC is the most insidious organization on planet earth. Like never before, innocent people across the country are experiencing health trauma and early death due to gene-mutating-injections that have been wrongly termed and labeled as Covid-19 “vaccines.” Tens of millions of citizens have stood their ground and denied these horrific nano-clot-shots, but […]
By S.D. Wells
Top media and entertainment stars who push back against Leftist-dominated Hollywood narratives, censorship
There is nothing Hollywood and mainstream media hate worse than celebrities and stars who speak the truth about massively important topics like censorship, elections, vaccines, and our constitutional liberties. For decades, Hollywood, Disney, and most celebrities toe the line when it comes to corrupt narratives that are fed to Americans through movies, shows, magazines, newspapers, […]
By S.D. Wells
The POWER of the RIGHT question: The best questions about elections, vaccines, prescription medications, and food ingredients yield the best answers
How ironic that the Democrats running the country right now are persecuting anyone and everyone who questions the validity of the 2020 election, when they spent 4 long years questioning the 2016 election, using every tool in the box, including attempted impeachment, and of course, the daily news-splattered Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Now, the Democrats in […]
By S.D. Wells
BLACK MIRROR USA? Political criticism of Biden Regime now labeled “domestic terrorism” and punishable with indefinite prison time, just like in Communist China
Are you a political dissident? In China, if you criticize the government on social media, you can find yourself locked up in prison and involuntarily donating your organs for black market trading. In America, if you go anywhere near the Capital building in Washington DC to peacefully protest illegal ballot harvesting and the communist Biden […]
By S.D. Wells
It’s always OPPOSITE DAY for the LEFTISTS in America: Liberal means intolerant, anti-fascist means fascist, and equality means hate white people
When Antifa became a movement in America, most of the protesting they engaged in involved acts of violence, including riots, arson, assault, vandalism, theft, rape and murder. Their name, Antifa, is short for anti-fascist, yet, everything they stand for IS fascist. Antifa’s foundation is based on hatred, tyranny, intolerance, inequality and contempt for the Republic […]
By S.D. Wells
Booking producer at FOX Business News resigned over COVID VAX tyranny, refused to comply with illegal NYC mandate Fox Corp was enforcing
While all of her cohorts at Fox News had received the Fauci Flu jabs and were spreading COVID all over the workplace, Breanna Morello thought the semi-conservative network wasn’t part of the liberal wasteland that denies people medical choice, but she was wrong. With dreams of producing the Tucker Carlson show, Breanna Morello had relocated to […]
By S.D. Wells
REVEALED: Triple-vaxxed kids in England 137 times MORE LIKELY to DIE from Covid-19 than unvaccinated children – report buried as Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned
The Office for National Statistics (ONS), a government agency in England, published data on deaths by vaccination status in England just as Prime Minister Boris Johnson was set to resign, so the mainstream (fake news) media there could run cover. For every 100,000 kids aged 10 to 14 who were FULLY VACCINATED in England, over […]
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