News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
The elite gathers its forces for a counterattack on the Truckers
There are reports that the Ottawa police, faithful servants, not of the people, but of the ruling elite, are attempting to prevent food and water and all “material support” from reaching the Truckers. In other words, the ruling elite is making an effort to starve out the truckers. (Article by Paul Craig Roberts republished from […]
By News Editors
Nuremberg violations: Should government vaxx agents be reclassified as ‘enemy combatants’?
In reference to anti-lockdown activists and mandatory vaxx opponents, the Deep State bureaucracy recently declared all-out war on “anti-authority ideologies” and “mainstream conservatives” (We’ll report more on this topic in-depth in February): (Article by Ben Bartee republished from “We have seen a growing threat from those… who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies… I have decided to establish a Domestic […]
By News Editors
‘I’m DONE’: Ex-NYT journo blasts gov’t COVID tyranny, says will be remembered as ‘catastrophic moral crime’
Former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss lampooned the U.S. government’s draconian pubic health responses to COVID, claiming that its continuous lockdowns and restrictions will be remembered as a “catastrophic moral crime.” (Article republished from Weiss, who resigned from the Times in 2020, forcefully condemned the COVID hysteria during a Friday appearance on HBO’s […]
By News Editors
The last days of the covidian cult
This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets. (Article by CJ Hopkins republished from There’s going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other […]
By News Editors
Why they want to keep the “health emergency” going forever
Last month, Colorado governor Jared Polis ended statewide mask mandates and social-distancing provisions, stating that “the emergency is over.“ This, of course, does not mean Colorado is now laissez-faire in terms of covid. Public higher education institutions—thanks to Polis’ tacit approval—still have free rein in terms of imposing vaccine and mask mandates, and in forcing classes to […]
By News Editors
Editorial: UChicago must end its booster mandate … we are not lab rats
Per the University of Chicago’s newly announced booster mandate, all students and employees must obtain a booster shot by January 24. Those who do not comply will be barred from campus and restricted from attending in-person classes, among other activities. (Article republished from This booster mandate is demonstrably unsafe, ineffective, unnecessary, inconsistent, and unethical. We’ve struggled beneath UChicago’s […]
By News Editors
These pictures show America’s future if the globalists get their way: This is what pure bloods can expect at the ‘COVID camps’
Readers of this web site are aware that it is only a matter of time before the “Powers That Be” decide to force the kill shots on everyone they consider a useless eater. This is what you can expect to occur: (Article by Kalbo republished from First: Places of public gatherings and transportation in large […]
By News Editors
With globalist puppets in control of every Western nation, brace yourself for their next diabolical move: The weaponization of food
Over the last several months, many Christians who deal in the prophetic have been hearing a particular sequence of words in their quiet time – often in dreams – which they believe is from God: “Brace yourself for impact.” (Article republished from I’ve heard it from more than one person and if you search […]
By News Editors
Global health coalition calls for a ‘cease and desist’ of COVID-19 jab distribution
A global coalition of health and civil society organizations issued a declaration calling for “an immediate stop to the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines,’” arguing that the push for mass immunization “violates basic principles of common law, constitutional law and natural justice,” as well as several international treaties. (Article by Ashley Sadler republished from Signed November […]
By News Editors
End the trans madness! Swimming magazine calls on NCAA to act now
It’s time to stop the madness. University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas, a man who’s being allowed to compete for the women’s swimming team, has all the advantages of a female using performance drugs according to John Lohn, editor of Swimming World magazine. Lohn would know. He’s seen it first-hand. (Article by Jay Maxson republished from Lohn […]
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