News & Articles By Mary Wilder
By Mary Wilder
Decades of democrat rule has left Detroit resembling a third world nation
At this point, it’s pretty well documented how all of the poorest, most dangerous and generally least appealing cities in the country are run by democrats. From Detroit to Philadelphia, every undesirable location seems to have some sort of connection to the left. But as bad as things have once appeared, they only seem to […]
By Mary Wilder
Know your stats: as gun ownership rises, murder rates drop in America
If you pay attention to the mainstream media’s coverage of firearms — and actually believe their biased lies — then you are probably under the impression that every single murder in America is caused with a gun, by a gun and under the influence of a gun. In their eyes, every problem in America, pretty […]
By Mary Wilder
Free speech on campus: Universities in Chicago and Binghamton stand on opposing sides
At a time when more and more universities seem to be caving to the absurd, anti-American demands of the Regressive Left, it’s refreshing and inspiring to see schools like the University of Chicago taking a stand and denouncing the ideas of censorship and coddling. In a recent letter sent to the class of 2020, the dean […]
By Mary Wilder
Germany urges citizens to stockpile food and water to prepare for the implosion of Europe
It’s tough to deny it at this point — the impending collapse of societies all across the world is coming sooner than we would care to admit. With each passing day, new evidence arrives to back up the belief that rising tensions, religious extremism, global warfare and political corruption will inevitably lead to the world […]
By Mary Wilder
MMA fighter Nate Diaz targeted, possibly penalized for using CBD oil
Shortly after losing a controversial majority decision to Conor McGregor at UFC 202, welterweight MMA fighter Nate Diaz began his recovery process by smoking out of a vape pen that was filled with CBD oil — in front of a group of reporters at his post-fight press conference. For Nate Diaz, a man who takes […]
By Mary Wilder
Documents provide smoking gun suggesting Clinton used her office for financial gain
Another day, another scandal involving Crooked Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. No matter how much time passes, Hillary just can’t seem to avoid being wrapped up in a horrible scandal that makes everyone question her true intentions. While her brainwashed followers seem to be unbothered by her corrupt nature, the rest of us are forced […]
By Mary Wilder
Snowden sheds light on recent NSA hack; talks false flags
Edward Snowden is an American hero. In the modern era, it’s difficult to think of someone more patriotic than Snowden, considering the man essentially ruined his own life in order to expose the truth of the NSA’s corruption to the American public at large. Currently living in Russia under political asylum, Snowden has remained a […]
By Mary Wilder
Beyond Bengahazi: 5 forgotten scandals you need to know about Hillary Clinton
When it comes to Hillary Clinton, the scandals are endless. Though the Benghazi conflict and the private email server are certainly at the top of everyone’s list, Clinton’s scandals are constantly piling up — even to this day. Here are five that you should know about. 1.) Huma Abedin’s murky conflicts of interest ties Huma […]
By Mary Wilder
Criticizing Islamic terrorism now a “hate crime” in what’s left of the UK
The government doing everything in their power to protect the reputation of Islam is nothing new. In nearly every modernized country in the world, the federal governments seem to go above and beyond to make sure that only one religion receives special treatment. In nearly every modernized country in the world, that religion is Islam. […]
By Mary Wilder
Newest poll from Texas: 3 out of 5 support state secession if Hillary elected
For the most part, Texans have been on the #NeverHillary train since its inception. There’s just something about the freedom-loving nature of Texas that completely clashes with Hillary’s big government ideology. For years, the Texas Nationalist Movement has been urging for the state to secede from the United States of America. Should Hillary win, polls […]
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