News & Articles By Mary Wilder
By Mary Wilder
State Department’s open admission: ISIS will send terrorists posing as refugees
When it first became a noticeable issue that the “refugees” entering European countries were bringing violent terrorists with them, the Regressive Left rushed to find any reason at all to deny the truth of the matter. When the evidence began piling up against them, they resorted to their classic tactic of claiming that anyone who […]
By Mary Wilder
Charlotte burning: ‘protestors’ try to set photographer ON FIRE, unarmed bystanders beaten
Following the shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott by a police officer, the once beautiful Queen City of Charlotte, North Carolina, has become a riot-infested war zone. While a few eyewitnesses have claimed that Scott was armed with a book, the Charlotte Police Department maintains that the man was actually armed with a gun and that […]
By Mary Wilder
Nation of Islam leader tells #BlackLivesMatter “don’t spend no money with no white folks”
When the leader of the Nation of Islam tells you something, there’s a very good chance that you’d be better off disregarding him. After all, the state of Islam isn’t exactly favorable in 2016 and for good reason. Terrorists all over the world are killing innocent people in the name of the religion and tensions […]
By Mary Wilder
Coward: Obama refuses to say ‘Islam’ or even ‘terrorism’ when discussing recent bombings
On the surface, Barack Obama’s political correctness shouldn’t be that big of an issue. After all, being afraid of being upfront isn’t that big of an issue. It’s complete cowardice, sure, but it isn’t an end of the world problem. Unfortunately, when you look deeper into why Barack Obama is so politically correct, there’s a […]
By Mary Wilder
German’s defending themselves against refugees being called ‘neo-nazis’ by mainstream news
When the political correctness movement entered into full force a few years ago, not many people took it seriously. Most passed it off as a silly trend that would soon blow over. Cultural libertarians, however, feared that this movement was significantly more dangerous in the longterm than most were willing to admit. Nobody wants to believe […]
By Mary Wilder
Police are already using AI to stop crimes before they happen
With every passing day, America is growing closer and closer to becoming the real-life version of a mind-bending science fiction novel. While the skeptics and brainwashed masses will claim that there’s nothing to worry about and that anyone who sees something wrong here is a delusional conspiracy theorist, things have gotten so bizarre that it’s dangerous […]
By Mary Wilder
FBI director tells Americans to put tape over webcams
What does it say about the corruption of the federal government that even the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has a piece of tape covering up his webcam for security measures? James Comey, who recently made headlines for his hilariously slack analysis of Hillary Clinton’s email server fiasco, has once again become the […]
By Mary Wilder
Clinton Foundation making money by renting stolen land to Federal Bureau of Land Management
Despite all of the corruption surrounding the organization, you can’t help but laugh at all of the news surrounding the Clinton Family Foundation. Having been wrapped up in countless scandals over the years, it almost appears as though the organization was founded for the sole purpose of making the Clinton family look like maniacal thieves […]
By Mary Wilder
Mass Obamacare fraud: Where is the money going?
It seems as though that not a single day can pass by without a new revelation about the complete bust that is Obamacare being revealed by an alternative media outlet. While many have been claiming since before its inception that the healthcare plan would cause an abundance of issues for a majority of Americans, that […]
By Mary Wilder
One-third of all Americans now on low quality government health insurance
When we look back on Barack Obama’s legacy as president of the United States, two things are certainly going to stand out above the rest. For starters, he will certainly be remembered as the drone president, who led the charge murdering thousands of innocents through the use of drone missiles. Secondly — and perhaps most […]
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