News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Employers are uniting and preparing lawsuits against Biden’s seditious vaccine and testing mandates
The Biden regime continues to declare war on the American people. On September 9, 2021, Biden gave one of the most violent, tyrannical speeches in American history, while espousing a number of unconstitutional decrees that violate the sanctity of the individual and the free market. In the speech, Biden demanded all businesses with more than […]
By Lance D Johnson
Vaccine passport legislation gets shut down in California as disgraced governor Newsom faces recall
Democratic lawmakers in the state of California have been working on a bill that strips individuals of their body autonomy rights and threatens their civil liberties across every aspect of society. Traitors to their country, these California Democrats want to establish a vaccine passport system that violates the medical privacy of all, while segregating individuals […]
By Lance D Johnson
Communist Biden regime plans to put “antivaxxers” on “no gun list” so Americans can’t defend themselves from CDC internment camps
The Biden regime desperately wants to put the “unvaccinated” on a “no fly list” — permanently segregating tens of millions of innocent Americans from air travel. The tyranny doesn’t end there. Once Americans are placed on a “no fly list” and labeled domestic terrorists, they can be put on a “no gun list” — leading to […]
By Lance D Johnson
Even with draconian lockdowns and travel restrictions, Australia’s covid “cases” are now skyrocketing… is the science WRONG?
Something terrifying is happening in Australia. Officers of the law are dutifully carrying out the plans of the globalists and enforcing insidious rules that violate the very people they are supposed to serve. Australia has turned into a prison camp, with draconian lockdowns, bodily requirements and travel restrictions. Medical martial law has become a normal […]
By Lance D Johnson
In New York, you have to show proof of vaccination and an ID to enter a restaurant, but no ID is required to VOTE
In the land of government control and tyrannical rule (New York), citizens must submit their bodies to a medical dictatorship if they want to frequent restaurants, gyms, entertainment venues and other businesses. In New York City, the leaders have betrayed their oath of office and are now enforcing vaccine mandates across the city. The city […]
By Lance D Johnson
Vaccine-pimping US Surgeon General proclaims Americans have “no right” to spread “disinformation,” which means anything the regime doesn’t like
US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is on a mission to eradicate quality information about health that could help people make an informed choice about their healthcare. Murthy is participating in a wider criminal conspiracy to deprive the public of important, life-saving medical information surrounding the issue of vaccination and natural immunity. Murthy believes that the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Delusional Los Angeles officials push new rule to STARVE OUT the unvaccinated by denying them access to retail grocery stores
The Los Angeles City Council has conspired to deprive people of their basic civil liberties — their right to privacy, their right of body autonomy, their right to assemble, their right of informed consent. On August 11, the council members voted unanimously on an ordinance that seeks to STARVE OUT the unvaccinated by denying them […]
By Lance D Johnson
In NYC, the unvaccinated are condemned and segregated as the new sub-human class … in a society now rooted in medical discrimination and hateful bigotry
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new plan to permanently discriminate and segregate the unvaccinated from society, and Joe Biden supports it. De Blasio the tyrant said the unvaccinated have no right to have a job, to eat at a counter, to ride on a bus or enter a building. He is […]
By Lance D Johnson
Medical police state: British government to require covid vaccines everywhere, and for any job
The French are gathering in the streets, chanting “liberte!” and the British are marching, demanding the arrest of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson! European governments are rolling out vaccine passports as quickly as possible, forcing people to comply with endless medical experiments, bodily requirements, digital surveillance and tracking, and a two-tiered society that discriminates and […]
By Lance D Johnson
SHOT ON SIGHT: Biden’s door-to-door vaccine propagandists are now bringing vaccinators along with them
The witch hunt is on, as the federal government prepares to send out “health ambassadors” and “public health workers” into communities and neighborhoods across the United States. The Mecklenburg County Health Department in North Carolina is launching a “doses to doors” program, equipping vaccine propagandists with covid-19 shots, which can be delivered at the person’s […]
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