12/06/2022 / By News Editors
Will Savage-Reeves is an infant boy in New Zealand who is in need of heart surgery to repair pulmonary valve stenosis. His parents Samantha (Sam) and Cole want him to have the surgery but they insist that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not received the COVID-19 jabs. Will’s parents have already organized many, many unjabbed donors who are willing to donate their blood to Will. The blood from unjabbed donors that Will’s parents want the hospital to use is ABSOLUTELY available and has been for many days. The surgery could (and should) have happened many days ago.
(Article by James Roguski republished from JamesRoguski.Substack.com)
A hearing was held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 to decide the fate of Baby Will. Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ) wants to take temporary guardianship of a 4-month-old boy needing heart surgery, in order to authorise the use of vaccinated blood during the operation.
The lawyers acting on behalf of the parents have asked for an interim order compelling the NZ Blood Service to provide a direct donor service.
A full hearing was held on Tuesday at the High Court at Auckland by Justice Ian Gault.
A hearing into whether Baby Will should receive blood from an unvaccinated person during a heart operation has ended, with the judge “reserving” his decision.
At the High Court in Auckland a short time ago, Justice Gault said he had not yet decided if he would deliver reasons with his decision or release results with reasons to follow.
He told the court he was conscious of the urgency involved.
The video below is a live stream video. Skip to the middle of the video for a short question and answer system with Baby Will’s lawyer, Sue Grey.
The condition of the baby was improving and donors were waiting outside the court today “ready willing and able” to donate blood, Sue Grey said.
Grey said the delay of a couple of days to arrange unvaccinated blood would not harm the baby.
“It’s a case of balancing up one risk that we don’t fully know about and another risk we don’t fully know about,” Grey said.
“The good news … is that [the baby] is currently improving.
“His heart is stable and he’s gaining weight and he’s happy.
“If it takes an extra couple of days to arrange safe blood that would be in the interests of safety when you balance the risk with all of the uncertainties.”
The unvaccinated donors available had matched the requirements set out in a blood transfusion medical handbook, she said.
“The law that’s really important here is informed consent, it’s protected by the New Zealand Bill of Rights … the right to refuse medical treatment,” Grey said.
“What we’re talking about here is not just freedom, but actually a right.”
“The right to refuse medical treatment is fundamental.”
Justice Ian Gault interrupted Grey’s lengthy submissions to query what she was actually seeking aside from opposing the order.
”What are you saying should happen,” the judge asked.
Grey suggested blood banks should begin tagging unvaccinated blood, or else introduce a stand-down period between vaccination and donation.
A crowd gathers outside the Auckland High Court as an urgent hearing takes place to decide the care of a baby whose parents refuse to use blood from vaccinated donors. Photo / Michael Craig
A crowd of around 150 people gathered outside the Auckland High Court to support parents who refuse to take vaccinated blood for their gravely ill baby.
They cheered as the mother entered the court just after 10am, shouting “We stand with you” and “medical freedom”.
Speaking outside court, the baby’s father thanked supporters.
“This morning we’re looking for direction and we’re looking for the best outcome for this baby.”
He said they wanted to be “the voice for the voiceless”.
He said they would now return their baby to the hospital.
Supporters outside the court are carrying New Zealand flags and anti-vaccine posters, and some motorists are tooting their horns in support. A “sheriff” van with images of Labour and National politicians behind bars is parked outside.
As Grey entered the Auckland High Court she said: “It’s obviously a hugely important case for human rights and for this little baby.”
The administrators of Starship Children’s Health Hospital insist that blood from a standard blood bank be used. They refuse to honor Samantha and Cole’s (Will’s parents) demand for blood from the dedicated (unjabbed) donors that they have already organized. Dedicated blood CAN be used. Starship Children’s Health Hospital simply won’t use it. The hospital insists upon using standard blood that is available from a blood bank.
New Zealand Blood Service CLAIMS to be focused on safety.
For how many cycles does New Zealand Blood Services run the RT-PCR after they swab each batch of donated blood to ensure that it is SAFE? (This is a trick question!)
Do they test every bit of donated blood for COVID-19?
New Zealand Blood Service CLAIMS that they owe a great debt to those people who volunteer to donate blood.
So why are they rejecting donations from generous donors in the case of Baby Will?????
If the Starship Children’s Health Hospital and the New Zealand Blood Service had quietly honored Baby Will’s parent’s wishes, practically no one on earth would have ever known about this issue. Baby Will would have already had his surgery. The administrators have unwittingly done a great service to humanity by giving us a reason to come together in support of Baby Will.
Print out the images below and post them in your home and car windows.
Baby Will Update: December 2, 2022
Baby Will Update: December 1, 2022
Baby Will Update: November 29, 2022
Petition urging NZBlood Service to make provision for non vaccinated recipients to receive blood that is free from the PfizerVax, mRNA for Spike Protein and other related contaminants.
Interestingly enough, I was in the middle of writing an article on the topic of dedicated blood donors when this issue grabbed my attention. I decided to publish that article before I was done with it. To learn about dedicated blood donors and the risk of tainted blood, please read the article below…
Rather than honor Will’s parents’ wishes, the hospital is taking them to court in an attempt to take legal control of the situation and force Will to undergo the surgery using blood that may include donated blood from people who have been jabbed.
Samantha and Cole have asked the world to help spread the word in order to raise pressure upon the various officials in New Zealand to force them to come to their senses.
In support of Will and his family, Counter Spin Media organized a 12 hour Truth-A-Thon.
Will Savage-Reeves – Infant boy who needs heart surgery
Stephanie Savage-Reeves – Will’s mother who wants Will to have the heart surgery but insists that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not been jabbed.
Cole Reeves – Will’s father who also wants Will to have the heart surgery but insists that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not been jabbed.
Liz Gunn – Journalist who first raised awareness of this issue (FreeNZ Media)
Sue Grey – Lawyer who has stepped in to handle the case
Cornelia Hertzler – Mother of Baby Alexander.
Alexander (Alex) – Alexander was a baby boy who passed away after complications that appear to have been caused by tainted blood.
Conversation w/ Cornelia from Montana – Mother of Baby Alex
Gateway Pundit article
Starship Children’s Health Hospital – The hospital in which Will currently resides.
The New Zealand Blood Bank – Refuses to use designated donor blood
Name: Samantha Savage
Account Number: 06-0663-0388886-00
Support Will’s wellbeing: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/savebabywill
Support the legal case: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SueGreyLawyer
General Enquiries +64 9 367 0000
Email Address [email protected]
Physical Address: Park Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
Postal Address: Starship Children’s Health, Private Bag 92024, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Contact the NZ Blood & Organ Service:
0800 448 325 (Please help to verify this number)
Dear Madam
1. It is universally acknowledged that the most dangerous feature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the spike protein in its capsid, right? This viral spike protein causes all manner of damage in the human body, by binding to ACE-2 receptors, which particularly occur in the heart.
2. The novel gene-therapy injections used as vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 are universally acknowledged to work by inducing the human body to PRODUCE this viral spike protein, with the aim of inducing the immune system of the jabee to produce antibodies against the spike protein (and thus the intact virus).
3. The mRNA in these injections has been modified to last much longer than normal human mRNA, because in the normal course of events mRNA disappears quite quickly after it has been read into a protein. The modification of the mRNA in these injections means that the body goes on producing spike protein for an unknown period of time after the injection.
Antibodies have nothing to do with it. The question is about spike protein.
Do you even have an assay for the presence of spike protein in blood? Because if you don’t — and thus, if you are unable to demonstrate that any particular vial of blood does NOT contain spike protein — the worry that jabbed blood does contain spike protein is entirely reasonable.
In other words, it is entirely reasonable to think that perhaps a good deal of the blood presently in your blood bank is actively harmful to its recipients, in that it might contain spike protein. Unless and until you are able to test all your blood FOR the presence of spike protein, this is undeniably an issue.
Pending such an assay, please take this into account and allow people in general — and specifically the parents of “baby Will” — to insist that only blood from individuals they know personally NOT to have been jabbed is used in their surgery.
Yours sincerely
I write to alert you of an issue of extreme concern to the New Zealand public regarding the risk of contamination of the NZ blood supply. This is a particular risk to our most vulnerable citizens including children with heart and other health disabilities.
Until recently many have assumed that blood in the NZ Bloodbank is safe. However there is now compelling evidence of a risk of contamination which may cause serious harm or death.
I urge you to watch the video of Liz Gunn interviewing American woman Cornelia Hertzler.
Cornelia’s baby Alexander died earlier this year of a massive blood clot after receiving a blood transfusion in Montana. Her explanation and the photographic evidence is compelling.
Blood banks have a history of having to adapt blood collection protocols to address and avoid new contamination threats. Examples include precautions against Mad Cow Disease and HIV. In New Zealand, people who were present in the UK during critical years are still prohibited from giving blood to the New Zealand Blood Bank due to the risk of bovine spongiform that cause encephalopathy, better known as Mad Cow Disease. Cornelia explains how she was alerted to the current risk because her uncle died from HIV in contaminated blood.
This link to a published paper explains how this risk was initially overlooked
Medsafe publishes information relevant to contamination risk identified. This includes the RMP risk management plan and datasheet for Comirnaty, which identify the risk of myocarditis and clotting – thrombocytopenia, and also the risk for frail people from the injection of concern.
The coroner recently found that young Dunedin man Rory Nairn died of Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), which was attributed to this injection.
The route for the inflammatory agents from the injection site in the arm, to the heart, is via the blood.
At present in New Zealand (unlike many other countries) there is no stand down period between receiving the injection which may cause this inflammation, and donating blood. There is however a 28 day stand down for another product (Moderna vaccine) which uses similar technology.
Nor is any testing available for blood to see if it contains substance/s that may cause the substance or substances that may cause myocarditis or clotting.
Indeed while the specific substance or range of substances which may cause these types of harm remain unclear, it is impossible to confidently test for it.
Until recently the NZBlood bank offered a direct donor service to facilitate recipients receiving identified blood that met specific needs. This service was offered as recently as 9 November 2022 in correspondence from NZBlood, at least where it is requested by the surgeon.
I am advised that Medsafe has contracts with NZBlood which I assume must specify the obligations, duties and criteria blood is required to meet. I am still waiting for a reply to my OIA request for copies of these contracts, but assume they require NZBlood to provide safe blood, that is fit for purpose and which avoids identified risks.
NZBlood is a public entity created by statute, which was set up to provide a service to the public of New Zealand which New Zealanders rely on. It accordingly owes duties to our people.
I urge you to urgently address this risk and ensure provision is immediately made at least for our most vulnerable New Zealanders to obtain blood that is free from identified contaminants.
This matter needs urgent attention to address your obligations to our people, and in particular our children and people with disabilities, including obligations owed by international law.
I write to alert you of an issue of extreme concern to the New Zealand public regarding the risk of contamination of the NZ blood supply. This is a particular risk to our most vulnerable citizens including children with heart and other health disabilities.
Until recently many have assumed that blood in the NZ Bloodbank is safe. However there is now compelling evidence of a risk of contamination which may cause serious harm or death.
I urge you to watch the video of Liz Gunn interviewing American woman Cornelia Hertzler.
Cornelia’s baby Alexander died earlier this year of a massive blood clot after receiving a blood transfusion in Montana. Her explanation and the photographic evidence is compelling.
Blood banks have a history of having to adapt blood collection protocols to address and avoid new contamination threats. Examples include precautions against Mad Cow Disease and HIV. In New Zealand, people who were present in the UK during critical years are still prohibited from giving blood to the New Zealand Blood Bank due to the risk of bovine spongiform that cause encephalopathy, better known as Mad Cow Disease. Cornelia explains how she was alerted to the current risk because her uncle died from HIV in contaminated blood.
This link to a published paper explains how this risk was initially overlooked
Medsafe publishes information relevant to contamination risk identified. This includes the RMP risk management plan and datasheet for Comirnaty, which identify the risk of myocarditis and clotting – thrombocytopenia, and also the risk for frail people from the injection of concern.
The coroner recently found that young Dunedin man Rory Nairn died of Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), which was attributed to this injection.
The route for the inflammatory agents from the injection site in the arm, to the heart, is via the blood.
At present in New Zealand (unlike many other countries) there is no stand down period between receiving the injection which may cause this inflammation, and donating blood. There is however a 28 day stand down for another product (Moderna vaccine) which uses similar technology.
Nor is any testing available for blood to see if it contains substance/s that may cause the substance or substances that may cause myocarditis or clotting.
Indeed while the specific substance or range of substances which may cause these types of harm remain unclear, it is impossible to confidently test for it.
Until recently the NZBlood bank offered a direct donor service to facilitate recipients receiving identified blood that met specific needs. This service was offered as recently as 9 November 2022 in correspondence from NZBlood, at least where it is requested by the surgeon.
I am advised that Medsafe has contracts with NZBlood which I assume must specify the obligations, duties and criteria blood is required to meet. I am still waiting for a reply to my OIA request for copies of these contracts, but assume they require NZBlood to provide safe blood, that is fit for purpose and which avoids identified risks.
NZBlood is a public entity created by statute, which was set up to provide a service to the public of New Zealand which New Zealanders rely on. It accordingly owes duties to our people.
I urge you to urgently address this risk and ensure provision is immediately made at least for our most vulnerable New Zealanders to obtain blood that is free from identified contaminants.
This matter needs urgent attention to address your obligations to our people, and in particular our children and people with disabilities, including obligations owed by international law.
Samantha Savage Reeves and Cole Reeves must be supported in the exercise
of their parental medical decision making right on behalf of their
infant son, Will, who requires open heart surgery. Baby Will’s parents
want him to have that surgery but wish to avoid the risk of contaminated
They have secured the voluntary blood donation of people who have not
received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, whose blood thus does not carry
dangerous spike protein on the surfaces of both red and white blood
cells, as documented in the blood of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients by
recent peer reviewed published studies.
Spike proteins are known to be associated with heart and vessel damage
and enhanced clotting events and should therefore logically be avoided
in a vulnerable heart surgery candidate of only a few months of age.
Against the wishes of Samantha and Cole, the Transfusion Medicine
Specialist from New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) insists that Will
receive blood from anonymous blood donors without regard to the COVID
mRNA vaccination status of those donors.
NZBS is preventing the already screened designated blood donors from
providing blood for Baby Will to increase his chances of a positive
outcome for life threatening surgery.
NZ Health Minister Andrew Little said “parents should be guided by the
best clinical advice going.” The same is true of Starship Children’s
Health Hospital since, upon agreement of Baby Will’s surgeon, donor
blood is acceptable.
Samantha and Cole have located and screened appropriate, available blood
donors in order to facilitate their son’s heart surgery. It is NZBS
which is providing the roadblock in unscientifically refusing to comply
with the parents’ decision.
In fact, NZBS is seeking to take legal custody of Baby Will to perform
the surgery with anonymous blood, exposing the infant to documented, and
preventable risk for reasons not related to the best interests of the
Directed blood donation is permitted under NZ law, as is parental health
decision making for minors. Both are being thwarted by NZBS and
Starship Children’s Hospital.
Unless these organizations can prove that the anonymous blood does NOT
have spike proteins attached to the abundant CD147 receptors found on
red and white blood cells and platelets, it is irresponsible and
capricious to deny Baby Will protection from a known danger to his
surgical outcome and, indeed, his survival. Directed donor blood would
provide that protection.
Unless NZBS and Starship Hospital have an assay to assure that the blood
they wish does NOT contain spike protein, the parents’ concern that
vaccinated blood contains the dangerous spike protein is entirely
reasonable. Your help in protecting both this vulnerable child and
parental decision making rights is essential and urgently needed since
Baby Will’s heart surgery needs to be performed as a life saving
Starship Children’s and NZBS have refused to provide evidence that
anonymous donated blood can be assured to be spike protein free so their
determination to use anonymous vaccinated blood violates the overriding
principle of acting in the best interest of the child, in this case,
Baby Will.
Medically appropriate directed donated blood is available for Baby Will.
The only impediment to its use is an issue of bureaucratic control,
endangering a critically ill, vulnerable infant.
We urgently request that you take every step possible to support
Samantha Savage-Reeves and Cole Reeves in exercising their right to make
the best health choice possible for their son, Baby Will.
Here if the summary of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child that Ralph just did. NZ is a ratifying nation and the conditions are horrifying:
Article 9
1. States Parties shall ensure that a child shall not be separated from his or her parents against their will, except when competent authorities subject to judicial review determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedures, that such separation is necessary for the best interests of the child. Such determination may be necessary in a particular case such as one involving abuse or neglect of the child by the parents, or one where the parents are living separately and a decision must be made as to the child’s place of residence.
2. In any proceedings pursuant to paragraph 1 of the present article, all interested parties shall be given an opportunity to participate in the proceedings and make their views known.
3. States Parties shall respect the right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child’s best interests.
4. Where such separation results from any action initiated by a State Party, such as the detention, imprisonment, exile, deportation or death (including death arising from any cause while the person is in the custody of the State) of one or both parents or of the child, that State Party shall, upon request, provide the parents, the child or, if appropriate, another member of the family with the essential information concerning the whereabouts of the absent member(s) of the family unless the provision of the information would be detrimental to the well-being of the child. States Parties shall further ensure that the submission of such a request shall of itself entail no adverse consequences for the person(s) concerned.
Article 25
States Parties recognize the right of a child who has been placed by the competent authorities for the purposes of care, protection or treatment of his or her physical or mental health, to a periodic review of the treatment provided to the child and all other circumstances relevant to his or her placement.
Informed Consent appears once in the document:
Article 21
States Parties that recognize and/or permit the system of adoption shall ensure that the best interests of the child shall be the paramount consideration and they shall:
(a) Ensure that the adoption of a child is authorized only by competent authorities who determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedures and on the basis of all pertinent and reliable information, that the adoption is permissible in view of the child’s status concerning parents, relatives and legal guardians and that, if required, the persons concerned have given their informed consent to the adoption on the basis of such counselling as may be necessary;.
I learned of this situation after 9pm on Friday, December 2, 2022. Since then I have done my best to collect all the evidence associated with this story. Please share this article with everyone you possibly can IMMEDIATELY.
I have organized it in reverse chronological order, with the latest, breaking news at the top of the article. If you want to review the information in chronological order, please start at the bottom of the article and work your way up to the top.
I published this article before it was truly ready due to the timely nature of this issue. I will be editing it as time goes forward, so please be sure to refresh the page whenever you revisit this article in order to get the latest info.
If you know of any newer information or if you uncover some information that I have missed please post it in the comment section below. As always, you can contact me directly at +1 310-619-3055
Here are two sincere parents who have already been traumatised by the heart condition of their four month old which necessitates an operation. They would like unvaccinated blood to be used and they arranged for matching donors.
But the surgeon and the NZ health system have refused this easy option. Instead they decided to go for the jugular. They are seeking custody of the child to enforce the use of blood from the public blood bank. They are refusing to admit that studies finding persistence of spike protein indicate any risk. An extreme position. It is of note, as we have previously written, that even pro-vaccine advocates overseas are admitting the existence of novel blood clots, (whilst arguing implausibly that their causes are unknown).
For two years now, vaccine advocates have been asking for separation between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Expressing a deep (yet unfounded) fear of the unvaccinated. Even seeking to avoid breathing the same air. This has been encouraged by government publicity. Now they want the unvaccinated to exclusively and compulsorily receive vaccinated blood transfusions.
Both national dailies have decided to demonise the parents, abandoning all semblance of humane compassion. There can’t be any greater condemnation of the effect of vaccination. Apparently it makes people angry and uncaring.
At a time when the parents deserve understanding and support, all semblance of recognition of the provision of medical choice in the NZ Bill of Rights has been abandoned. Medical choice is off the table and it is open season for vicious attacks on the unvaccinated.
The uneducated hysteria involved is frankly frightening. Instead of listening to government inspired rants, read the studies published in international journals. There is a gulf widening between government messaging and the content of Covid science journal publishing. mRNA vaccination poses definable and significant risks for health. These are not small. To people keeping up with the science, they are very concerning.
Baby Will has a heart condition. It is admitted by our government that heart inflammation—myopericarditis—is a risk of vaccination. It is admitted that some studies indicate persistence of spike protein in the blood. So why on earth would the government insist there is no risk? This is further evidence of a bunker mentality and a hint of madness.
For more information and well referenced discussion, go to HatchardReport.com.
Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.
Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.
In this episode we feature the story of Montana mother, Cornelia Hertzler and her new born baby boy Alexander who died days after receiving unauthorized vaxxed blood transfusion.
Liz Gunn, from Free NZ, interviews Cornelia in the second half of this episode.
But first we do an update on the baby Will story that has gone global this week. Sue Grey, the family’s lawyer discusses the latest news in the battle between the NZ Government trying to get guardianship of the 4-month-old who desperately needs life-saving heart surgery. For safety reasons his parents want unvaccinated blood, however the NZ Blood and Organ Service is refusing to allow the 20+ direct donors that have been organised to give their blood despite many being already approved by the blood bank. We can’t let the government force the same fate as Alex upon Will.
Joydah Mae’s song “Power of the Will” features at the end. For more from Joydah see:
Support the legal case: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SueGreyLawyer
Support Will’s wellbing: https://www.buymeacoffe.com/savebabywill
Support Free NZ:
Support Counterspin Media:
Contact the NZ Blood & Organ Service:
0800 448 325
Written by Mike Bee
The right of parents to refuse for their child blood they believe could be contaminated by the Pfizer vaccine is being challenged in a case in Auckland involving a four-month old baby who needs open-heart surgery.
In New Zealand – if mainstream news is to be believed – the Pfizer vaccination, mandated to much of the population, is entirely “safe and effective”, and anyone who disputes this is labelled an “anti-vaxxer” and possibly a “conspiracy theorist”.
Despite widespread censorship of the many scientific reports that shed doubt on the dogma of vaccine safety, more and more New Zealanders are having their faith in the reliability of mainstream information shaken and are becoming aware that they have been lied to by experts around the world, many of whom are now scrambling to avoid going to jail.
In New Zealand, as in other parts of the world, awareness of the fraud is growing, but there is still great ignorance on the part of those who watch only mainstream reports. This ignorance has been on display in recent days because of “Baby Will” and the parents who are battling to save his life.
Baby Will’s parents know that there is a huge risk in accepting regular blood from the blood-bank and have organized twenty people whom they know to be unvaccinated and whose blood is suitable for their baby to be standing by.
All that is needed would be for surgeons to accept the parents’ wishes and allow this to go ahead. In other cases, such as with the followers of certain religions, people’s wishes are respected even if medical authorities do not share the beliefs of the patients themselves.
However those who have the power to alter protocols in this case have painted themselves into a corner. The medical establishment has from the beginning been forced to conform to the government’s dogma of vaccine safety, and doctors who disagreed and spoke up about what they were seeing with their patients or in their medical research have been threatened with disciplinary action and even had their medical licences revoked.
The surgeon who should be operating on Baby Will assures the parents that there is absolutely no danger from the blood of the vaccinated and that any remnant of vaccination is broken down in the body shortly after vaccination. And to show any tolerance to the parents’ views is seen by many as a loss of face and a dangerous concession to “anti-vaxxers” that might make the public question the safety of the Pfizer vaccine.
Health New Zealand, Te Whatu, has now gone to court to ask that the parents guardianship of their child be removed in order that their wishes be bypassed and that Will be treated as any other patient, but the parents are adamant that they will do all they can not to comply.
“We don’t want blood that is tainted by vaccination,”; the father said. “That’s the end of the deal – we are fine with anything else these doctors want to do.”
By way of reply, a spokesman for Te Whatu Ora stated that, “The decision to make an application to the court is always made with the best interests of the child in mind and following extensive conversations with whanau.”;
On Wednesday 30th November a date was set for a court hearing to decide the case on the following Tuesday, and the judge urged that mediation would take place between the hospital and the parents. Until now the parents say there has been little dialogue and that they have been bullied into complying with the hospital.
The case is attracting international attention, and if Health NZ is sensible, they will indeed show some flexibility in this case.
However flexibility is unlikely to be granted without a struggle. Too much rests on this case for those who have supported a government who claimed to be our “single source of truth” to show weakness, even where a child’s life is involved.
In front of the High Court, with Baby Will in his mother’s arms, the father spoke on Wednesday of the freedom of choice that he was asking for on behalf of his son.
“Freedom of choice – that’s been taken away by the governments and the so-called powers. This baby doesn’t seem to have freedom of choice. They want to conduct medical experiments on him with unknown results, and we’re not prepared for that. We’re not prepared to just offer our baby up for experimentation. … We’re standing not only for him but for all of us.”
A man and a woman open themselves
and a child is received.
What expectations are living in this child?
A place to grow, a place he can trust,
a place where he’ll be nurtured by those who surround him
and given what he needs to unfold his life;
One baby brings with him an injury to his heart.
It can easily be healed, but the times have changed.
He is offered blood that his parents know will kill him.
His parents fight for his right to go on living.
But the nameless ones, the ones with the power,
speak with the judgement of a broken system
and do all that they can to deny his right to live.
Now the nameless ones are huddling in corridors,
asking, “How do we go on concealing the truth?”
There are simple solutions, but they will not consider them
as innocence is weighed against corruption and deceit.
WILL SAVAGE-REEVES a 4mth-old from New Zealand requires open heart surgery, for this, he will require a blood transfusion.
Will’s parents wish for their baby son to receive ‘unvaccinated’ blood.
Auckland hospital intends to undertake the surgery using ‘VACCINATED’ blood and have taken a case against the parents to the high court. They are seeking the removal of the parents’ right to choose.
This story has now gone global with many weighing in on the case. The High Court of New Zealand has deferred this case to Tuesday, 06th December 2022 where both sides will present their arguments.
The Blood Bank and the Auckland Hospital have refused their request for direct donor unvaccinated blood, for which they have 20+ willing and suitable donors on standby.
In this episode we have a discussion with Liz Gunn about the work she has done with Will and his family.
We play clip from two interviews with the family and play the second one in full at the end. (At the 50 minute mark)
We also serve notice to the MSM and call on the truth and freedom community to unite to save this baby’s life. We also call out and challenge ‘The Platform’, a podcast that portrays itself to be different from the mainstream media hacks, but its actions seem anything but.
This is a time-sensitive and desperate situation where any further delays could be life-threatening.
New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party’s co-leader Sue Grey was in court in her capacity as a lawyer this morning defending the family.
Please share as widely as you can to raise awareness and STOP this insanity!
For financial support to help cover medical costs for the Savage Reeves family, please consider donating to:
Samantha Savage 06-0663-0388886-00
ANZ’s SWIFT code is ANZBNZ22. Note: If the other party requires an 11-digit SWIFT, use ANZBNZ22XXX
Free NZ website:
If you have suggestions to help, Liz Gunn can be contacted here: mailto://liz.gunn.org
PART 1 Video available on Rumble here – https://rumble.com/v1xllk6-freedom-to-choose-clean-blood.html
This is a human rights issue and one that could affect any one of us.
Furthermore, Liz tirelessly fundraises for many in the community who need financial support.
FreeNZ rarely ask for donations to support their important work, so if you’d like to give back to her on this special day, please consider donating here:
FREENZ: 03-0252-0392354-003
A Free NZ Production.
Meet Master WILL SAVAGE REEVES – 4mths Old from New Zealand
Will requires open heart surgery, for this he will require a blood transfusion.
Will’s parents wish for their baby son to recieve unvaccinated blood.
The Blood Bank and the Auckland Hospital have refused their request for direct donor unvaccinated blood, for which they have 20+ willing and suitable donors and intend to undertake the surgery using VACCINATED blood!
This is a time-sensitive and desperate situation with a hearing on Wednesaday 30th November regarding guardianship of little Will.
Please share as widely as you can to raise awareness and STOP this insanity!
For financial support to help cover medical costs for the Savage Reeves family, please consider donating to:
Samantha Savage 06-0663-0388886-00
ANZ’s SWIFT code is ANZBNZ22. Note: If the other party requires an 11 digit SWIFT, use ANZBNZ22XXX
Free NZ website:
If you have suggestions to help, Liz Gunn can be contacted here: mailto://liz.gunn.org
Video also available on Rumble here – https://rumble.com/v1xllk6-freedom-to-choose-clean-blood.html
Counterspin Media and Liz Gunn with Free NZ along with United Free Press are having a Truth-a-thon . Where there is a WILL there is a Way. 10am to 10pm tomorrow Sunday! Tune in on www.counterspinmedia.com #truthathon #wearewillwillisus #freedomtochoose #supportbabywill
Have we got anyone who can print t-shirts with Will’s face (or something that identifies this cause) and the quote on it? Assuming the family are happy with this Possibility of raising a few $ to support the family, expenses etc?
New Zealand Herald article
Counterspin New Zealand
David Icke article
Meet WILL SAVAGE REEVES – 4mths Old from New Zealand
Will requires heart surgery, for this he will require a blood transfusion.
Will’s parents wish for their baby son to recieve unvaccinated blood. Their request has been refused!
https://t.co/bC9kPMARgb— United Free Press (@UnitedFreePres) November 28, 2022
As they say “Is there any Bad Blood between us?”
Next Tuesday’s High Court decision for Baby Will could be a landmark one, not just in New Zealand but internationally.Read more here: https://t.co/sPfcfvihe6pic.twitter.com/eKuTdujpQR
— Apostle Brian Tamaki (@ApostleTamaki) November 30, 2022
Liz spoke of the significance of baby Will’s case and what it means for New Zealand at the post-court statement this morning. pic.twitter.com/CMRaSQzAZa
— FreeNZ (@_FreeNZ) November 30, 2022
Fox News
The Guardian
NY Post
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Read more at: JamesRoguski.Substack.com
Tagged Under:
Baby Will, bad doctors, blood donors, covid19, freedom, health care, health freedom, infant's health, medical fascism, medical freedom, Medical Tyranny, New Zealand, pandemic, unvaccinated, vaccinated, vaccine damage, vaccine injury, vaccine wars, vaccines
This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author