Left-wing socialists start “Fight Club” on campus to “BASH” the opposition

At the University of Central Florida, the Knights for Socialism group has launched a new Sunday program that teaches left-wing students how to bring the heat to conservatives. The UCF leftist fight club claims that it is open to anyone except for Republicans. The group’s ridiculous reasoning for the fight club, according to their Facebook page, states: “In response to the record number of hate crimes against Latinos, Immigrants, Muslims, Women, the LGBTQIA+ community, Jews, African Americans and other minorities since the rise of Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo-Nazis, Knights for Socialism has decided to host a series of self-defense clinics for anyone that wants to learn how to BASH THE FASH.”

The leftist fight club featured a local amateur boxer to help instruct basic fighting techniques to attendees. The group’s aim is to teach students how to defend themselves from potential hate crimes, although it seems they are simultaneously teaching hatred. Their statement is beyond problematic in every aspect, especially when you factor in how many reported hate crimes were only hoaxes.

Women were advised to attend the class in order to help protect themselves against sexual assaults, which the event planners say will rise under a Trump presidency. Event organizers stated that Trump is a sexual predator and rapist and that his supporters see his victory as their excuse to act violently towards women and minorities. (RELATED: Find violent crime news at ViolentCrime.news)

UCF’s Dean of Student Conduct Dana Juntunen was alerted about the event and thanked the students who brought it to her attention. Many students expressed that they felt unsafe on the UCF campus due to the event. School administrators are now looking into the leftist fight club, but it remains unclear whether the organizers will face any repercussions for their ridiculous use of violence and politics while promoting an otherwise normal self-defense training course. (RELATED: Find self-defense news at SelfDefense.news)

Leftists have taken advantage of every opportunity to complain about something since the November election, but they fail to realize just how hypocritical their efforts can be. They are teaching hate under the pretenses of fighting hate, calling Trump a rapist but turning a blind eye to Bill Clinton’s sexual controversies, and inciting violence opposed to condemning it. There’s obviously nothing wrong with a little self-defense training, except for when it’s marketed the way Knights for Socialism have done with their leftist fight club.



