01/12/2017 / By Daniel Barker
Ever since agribusiness giant Monsanto began pushing its GM crops on the public, the company has maintained that the technology is safe, and that consumption of Frankenfood products, such as genetically-modified corn, causes no ill effects in either animals or humans.
Monsanto propaganda holds that GMOs have been proven safe, but the truth is that few real safety studies have ever been conducted, while much of the existing scientific literature on the subject is bogus industry-backed drivel. However, despite Monsanto’s efforts to control the narrative, independent researchers have been finding evidence that contradicts the company’s claims.
GM Watch recently published the results of one such study, conducted by two researchers at the Faculty of Medicine at Tanta University, Egypt.
The researchers fed Monsanto GM corn – a genetically-altered version of a local Egyptian corn variety – to laboratory rats over a 90-day period, with a control group being fed a non-GM variety of local corn. (RELATED: Stay informed about all the news on GMOs at GMO.news)
The rats which were fed the GM corn (MON810: Ajeeb YG) developed “serious damage to the surface mucous membranes of the jejunum (part of the small intestine).”
From GM Watch:
“In the GM-fed rats, some areas of the villi – finger-like structures in the intestine that absorb nutrients from food – were damaged. They were distorted and flattened, with some cells joined together. The damage can clearly be seen in the images included in the study. The crypts (mucosal glands) were disrupted and blood vessels were congested. Signs of inflammation – white blood cell infiltration – were seen around areas of damage. In addition, the cells of the intestinal lining were abnormal in structure.
“Other signs of damage included increased shedding of mucosal cells, increased numbers of mucous-secreting goblet cells, and higher rates of division of cells lining the crypts.”
The researchers concluded that despite Monsanto’s assurances, the consumption of GM corn “profoundly altered the histological structure of the jejunal mucosa at many levels and revealed several alarming signs.”
Two earlier Egyptian studies involving rats that consumed the same Monsanto GM variety corn revealed other types of damage. One of the studies found “differences in organ and body weights and in blood biochemistry” between rats that consumed MON810: Ajeeb YG and those which ate a non-GM version of the same variety, suggesting that the GM corn might produce “potential adverse health/toxic effects.”
The second study, conducted by the same research team, found “toxic effects” in several organs of lab rats caused by the same GM variety – including damage to the liver, kidneys, intestines and testes.
The publication of the study comes as the European Commission pushes plans to begin growing MON810 corn in 2017. A vote is scheduled for January 17.
Interestingly, there appears to be another problem with MON810. Independent nonprofit research institute Test Biotech has reported that MON810 poses a risk of GM transgenes spreading to other plant species, and is calling for a withdrawal of Monsanto’s application to the EU for approval of its cultivation.
It’s become increasingly evident that GM technology has turned out to be – as many predicted – a dangerous experiment gone completely awry. GM crops have failed to produce the promised yields, while more and more studies are uncovering health risks associated with the technology.
Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup – an herbicide essential to the whole Monsanto biotech equation – is a highly toxic and carcinogenic chemical. Glyphosate has now become the most widely used herbicide in history, and roughly 19 percent of all glyphosate produced since it was first introduced in 1974 has been dumped on the United States alone. (Related: We also cover glyphosate “RoundUp” news at Glyphosate.news)
It’s time for a complete global ban on GM agriculture and the use of glyphosate.
To stay informed on all the nefarious people pushing these poisons on humanity, read MonsantoMafia.com.
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