Christians in China being targeted and killed for organ harvesting

In 2006, two Canadian nationals began a journey that would reveal information so dark, it is deeply troubling to ponder, let alone believe. But in a world controlled by money, man is capable of doing anything to get it, including the harvesting of organs from living persons. The victim dies during this heinous and tortuous procedure. The body is then cremated. No evidence remains of the burnt human sacrifice yielding hearts, livers, kidneys, corneas and more. All in a days work for the burgeoning global organ transplant market in the People’s Republic of China.

But even without ashes or bones, David Kilgour, Esq., a former Asian administrator for Canada, and international human rights lawyer David Matas, Esq., were able to weave a damning indictment a decade ago called Bloody Harvest. This must-read treatise originally investigated unnerving claims; Chinese Falun Gong members were being killed for their organs and the lucrative international organ transplant marketplace.

Falun Gong practitioners account for 70 – 100 million of the Chinese population and remain a prime target of the surgeon’s knife, as reported by But other spiritual and ethic groups are also victimized by this barbaric practice, according to Kilgour:

” . . . there has been regime-sanctioned pillaging and trafficking in the vital organs of prisoners of conscience, overwhelmingly from practitioners of Falun Gong, but also Tibetans, Uyghurs, and some house Christians. . .”

Through interviews, public records and meticulous inquiries, Kilgour and Matas discovered the who, what, when, where and why of this barbaric practice. Financing the Chinese military was reported as a prime reason. In the summer of 2016 they revised their report, significantly increasing  the numbers and scope of China’s organ transplant industry.

The new data scrutinized by Kilgour and Matas indicate that 60,000 to 100,000 transplants may take place each year in China. The regime claims only a fifth of that amount, or 20,000. Profits from these evil acts is estimated at “$12 billion dollars and beyond.” Hospitals say this practice is their “number one money maker.” American author and investigative journalist Ethan Gutmann spent seven years researching China’s illicit organ transplant industry before releasing his book The Slaughter, in 2014.

Why do people travel to China for organ transplants?  Simple. Human organs are abundant at a reduced price. Why wait on a long list for a new liver, heart, lung, kidney or pancreas when someone can be murdered today for your organ tomorrow? As suggests, technocrats love efficiency:

“Planned parenthood had no problem with selling body parts either.”

