10/18/2016 / By Mary Wilder
No matter how many times their attempts are proven to be completely worthless and unconstitutional, the Regressive Left just won’t stop attempting to repeal the Second Amendment in increasingly ridiculous fashion. For whatever reason, they view guns as a source of evil — as opposed to human beings or radical ideologies — and have stopped at nothing in their battle against law-abiding citizens.
Now that sentiment has been passed onto those who hold positions of power in the court room.
Judge Kenneth R. Walker of Oregon stated recently during a trial, “If I could I would take all the guns in America, put them on big barges and go dump them in the ocean … Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody. We should eliminate all of them. We could save 33,000 people a year if we didn’t have guns in this country.”
It’s an incredibly emotional comment for someone who is supposed to be fair and balanced to make, not to mention the fact that it is completely and utterly ridiculous on a number of levels. It shows that Walker himself has a bias against guns, which very likely comes into play during countless cases that he is involved with. It’s unfair for the countless law-abiding citizens that legally own guns to be treated like criminals by these leftists that are doing nothing in order to fix the countries problems, but want to lazily blame it all on guns.
Sadly, this is nothing new, but Walker’s statement is definitely one of the most frightening comments from the Regressive Left in recent memory, given the power that he holds. It’s almost as if the powers that be don’t even realize why Americans desire the right to bear arms. We acknowledge that they consistently do nothing to protect us while simultaneously putting us in severe danger, and we know that we are going to have to protect ourselves.
With all of the terror and violence going on in the world today, we have to be prepared for these situations by arming ourselves with the proper equipment. For many situations, that proper equipment includes firearms. It’s about time that we start calling these attacks what they really are and stop contributing to the dangerously politically correct society that has gotten us all into this mess in the first place. We have to get tough and stay tough if we want to survive this horrific time.
The last thing we need is to have to fight this battle without sufficient protection.
Tagged Under: guns, police state, Second Amendment