10/27/2015 / By resistnews
In a shocking display of disregard for the true intent of the US Constitution, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled on Thursday in a 3-2 decision that citizens of the Hoosier state have no right to resist police officers who illegally try to enter their homes without a warrant. According to The Times of Northwest Indiana, the court decision essentially decrees that cops can enter a person’s home “for any reason or no reason at all,” and there is nothing that person can do to stop them while the invasion is occurring.
“We believe a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence,” said Justice Steven David, one of the supporters of the ruling. “We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest.”
The three justices in support of the decision claim that resistance to illegal entry can cause unneeded violence, and that citizens should instead deal with the infringement of their rights later through the court system. So when an officer shows up at your door and demands entry, you should just comply with whatever is demanded of you in order to avoid a “violent” situation, they say.
Such ridiculous reasoning, of course, is on par with saying that citizens also do not have the right to protect themselves against rapists and murderers because doing so would escalate the violence of the situation. After all, the victims can just clean up the mess and deal with it all in the courts later, right?
In reality, the true purpose of the insane ruling appears to be just one more piece of the police state tyranny machine that freely abuses the rights of the citizens. And if the citizens want to “fight back,” they will have to wait in the never-ending bureaucratic line of the legal system to seek a remedy that they most likely will never receive.
If you read the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution for yourself (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Amendmen…), you will see that Justice David’s citation of it in support of his and the others’ decision is a monumental perversion of its intent. The Fourth Amendment is clearly designed to prevent the illegal entry into homes by state officers, not to permit them to do as they please now and leave it to the citizens to deal with later.
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