Corrupt Hillary emails force FBI to reopen investigation

In a stunning development, FBI director James Comey sent a letter to Congress less than two weeks before the Presidential election to alert them to the reopening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private servers for email accounts. He couched his words, as reported by, telling Congressional leaders that he “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.”

In July, Director Comey announced that charges would not be pressed against Secretary Clinton, although he did made it clear that reckless missteps did occur. His statement was made shortly after Loretta Lynch, the head of the Department of Justice met with former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac of a Phoenix airport to supposedly discuss their grandchildren and golf game.

The case was then closed, much to the outrage of a number of FBI colleagues. Shortly afterword, as reported by the Daily Mail, FBI resignation letters began “piling up.” The morale of the agency took a severe blow while individuals that Comey had developed deep relationships with were “the angriest with him . . . and that also included his wife, Pat.”  

This new file on Secretary Clinton was opened after New York field agents were working on another, supposedly, unrelated investigation regarding the disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner. As you may recall, Weiner resigned from Congress in 2011, after it was first discovered he had sent nude pictures of himself via his phone. But it was more recent Weiner exposures that the FBI was investigating when they happened upon what they thought might be significant emails related to Secretary Clinton.

Huma Abedin, Clinton’s most trusted former aide, is separated from ex-Congressman Weiner, but it appears they may have shared a computer while Abedin worked for Clinton when she was Secretary of State.  When the agents discovered emails that “may be pertinent,” to the Clinton investigation, they stopped their investigation and “called in other colleagues.” As the Daily Mail reports, they only had a search warrant for Weiner’s emails. They needed another warrent to look over the emails of Huma Abedin who says she has “no idea how the emails ended up on her husband’s computer” and that her use of the device was infrequent.

According to, there may be as many as 650,000 emails for agents to peruse, and it is still unknown how relevant these will be. It was also reported that Attorney General Lynch didn’t want Director Comey to give Congressional leaders the letter, believing that it would interfere with the election. After what is described as a “spirited debate” Director Comey felt “compelled to act.”

Secretary Clinton continues to declare her confidence that nothing will be discovered and is urging Comey to give more details. She also urges her supporters to vote early. Donald Trump took the news as quite positive for his campaign and as an opportunity for voters to have “one ultimate check on Hillary’s corruption,” which is the power to vote.

In response to this startling development, Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass wrote a stinging editorial, telling Democrats that they should ask Hillary Clinton to just step down. Kass believes the secret servers were used to prevent others from knowing the extent of the millions they made by pedaling influence:

“The Clintons weren’t skilled merchants. They weren’t traders or manufacturers. The Clintons never produced anything tangible . . . All they had to sell, really, was influence. And they used our federal government to leverage it.”



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