6 mainstream media conspiracies manipulating you today

The word conspiracy is a metaphor that represents a very simple legal standard. The textbook definition of conspiracy is when two or more people secretly develop, or conspire, to commit to act in a way that is harmful or illegal. You’ve heard of court cases where there was a conspiracy to commit murder, or a conspiracy to defraud investors. But if you don’t accept the media’s standard line and question how 9/11 happened, or whether or not GMOs are safe to eat, you may be labeled a conspiracy theorist, therefore your mental stability is called into question.

Creating the conspiracy theorist category has been a beneficial social engineering tool to shame people into quiet obedience. Thedailysheeple.com reports about 6 deeper conspiracies that the media employs daily, to keep the populace under control and “maintain the status quo.”

1. Love the State Conspiracy

History is written by the victors. From kindergarten on, we’re taught the version most suited to controlling our minds. We pledge allegiance to the flag and are taught to support wars to save the world. The government is always right and always there to help us.

 2. Hide the Real Power Conspiracy

Shadow governments, banker controlled wars, the deep state and the Bilderberg meetings are a few of the many mechanisms of global control.  Did you learn this in your public school? Of course not.

3. Destruction of the Planet Conspiracy

Do  you read about the 9/11 environmental disaster? Who is covering the continuing Fukushima radiation or the rainforest destruction? Globalists and their media minions would rather make you think your carbon footprint is more destructive than the Deep Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

 4. Self Destruction Conspiracy

Creating conditions of poverty, lack and hopelessness engenders elite control. The Hollywood fantasy system says you’re not worth much without looks or money. Doctors push suicidal pills for depression, and opioids for anything else. Abortion is easy, cause the fetus is not really alive. Life is disposable.

 5. Stop Conscious Thinking Conspiracy

Mind numbing media, Common Core and pharmaceutical drugs are just a few ways we’re taught not to think. Why not throw out your television and take a break from the onslaught of invasive digital technology?

6. Preventing Revolution Conspiracy

Fermenting division, distraction and throwing in a few bread and circuses to titillate the masses is another important tool for control. As we awake, we must remember that each person has the power within to change their world. Let’s do it.





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