Hillary Clinton’s ‘intelligence surge’ means more spying and even less privacy

When it comes to Hillary Clinton, there doesn’t seem to be a peak to the hypocrisy and corruption. With every passing day, new revelations — whether hidden or open — regarding the presidential hopeful are exposed, and virtually none of them are positive. Everything surrounding her is disgusting. Whether it be a character flaw or one of her many scandals, there’s something about her to upset everyone.

After her emails were leaked, revealing endless amounts of corruption to the general public, Hillary suddenly became concerned with national security. Yes, after she herself breached protocol and people hacked into her server, then it became a matter of national security that hackers can infiltrate people’s devices in order to obtain information. In typical democrat fashion, this only became an issue after it directly effected her. This is hypocrisy at its best.

The so-called “intelligence surge” that Hillary has been desperately promoting in the months following has never sounded like a good idea, but the more you analyze exactly what she’s trying to get done, the more you realize just how unconstitutional and problematic it is all around.

Spencer Ackerman of The Guardian reports, “Domestically, the ‘principles’ of Clinton’s intelligence surge, according to senior campaign advisers, indicate a preference for targeted spying over bulk data collection, expanding local law enforcement’s access to intelligence and enlisting tech companies to aid in thwarting extremism.”

Giving more power to more people isn’t a reasonable answer to any of this. All that means is that more innocent people will be spied on by the federal government. Who honestly wants that?

If we want American to return to its former glory as a legitimately free nation then we need to do everything in our power to prevent Hillary Clinton from being elected this fall. She is a major roadblock on the path to reclaiming actual liberty in the United States as almost all of her policies directly infringe on our rights as both humans and Americans. She is a dangerous candidate through and through. A vote for her is a vote for tyranny.

It’s up to us to make our voices heard by loudly expressing our disdain for this corrupt candidate. If we are ever going to make a change to the state of America’s broken political system then now is the time. We have to vote against the establishment. We have to take back our country from the powers that be. We have to become free again.






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